It is June first, and prime time for a summer garden to blossom. What was once only the hope of a garden...
is now flourishing beautifully!
And my baby yellow squash...this is the point when I go out and check every day to see if there is anything I can pick. We have already eaten a few of these puppies and they were delish! (Way more flavorful than the grocery store squash! In my opinion, home grown squash tastes more "squashy" than the bland grocery store variety- if that makes any sense at all!)
And, my baby cucumbers. I have had the pleasure of eating a few of these already as well- fresh and crisp tasting!
On another note, the girls and I found this book in the kid's non fiction section yesterday at the library.
They are already showing the signs of little foodies in training, so they are just as excited as I am to read it. The plan is to read it and then find a great recipe for homemade strawberry ice cream (their favorite flavor.) My ice cream maker keeps begging to be pulled out and put to use, and since it is already nearing 100 degrees here in South Texas, there's no reason not to! I am thinking of doing a taste test: traditional vs. dairy free (Soy) ice cream. We shall see! When I come up with one that passes the rigorous taste test in my "test kitchen", I will definitely post it!
For now, bring on the Texas heat and summer sunshine. Summer is here!
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